Current information for the entry of foreigners into the Czech Republic from the 5th of February 2021

Dear athletes and club leaders!

The new rules apply for the arrival of foreigners from the 5th of February 2021.

In the files below you will find all changes for the entry of foreigners into the territory of the Czech Republic, which are valid from the 5th of February 2021. It is very demanding for all of us, and the NSA is negotiating with the Minister of Health to reduce the requirements for participants in already approved events. No less, for now, a stricter regulation applies.


Current information about the tournament Fullcontact Karate Prague Open 2021


Dear club leaders!

Here you can find the current information about the tournament:
– Accommodation information:

Hotel information

The hotel offered special prices for our participant. Please contact the hotel manager Iva Svobodova directly at,
do not book the hotel via the booking system, etc.

– All competitors, judges and the members of the service teams (hereinafter referred to as the “obligated person”) are obliged to pass the examination for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus by RT-PCR before the competition match. The result of this test must be available from every obligated person before they enter the premises of the sporting event, and must not be older than 48 hours at the time of the start of the sporting event and must be from biological sampling. The obligation to pass the RT-PCR test before the match does not apply to obligated persons who have demonstrably suffered from COVID-19, do not have clinical signs of COVID-19 and have undergone isolation to the specified extent due to a positive RT-PCR test and no more than 90 days have elapsed since the first positive result of the RT-PCR test. – The NSA is currently negotiating the possibility of antigen testing before the tournament, but for the time being, the above requests from the Ministry of Health apply. We will inform you about the changes. For EU citizens from zones 1,2,3, the borders are open and checks are random. But for the tournament itself, you need to submit a negative Covid test.

Before arriving in the Czech Republic, the online arrival form must be filled in by all persons that are not on the current List of countries with a low risk of covid-19.
Online arrival form:

– If you need confirmation of participation in the tournament, please send the application, including the training team,
coach and possibly doctors (if any), we will give confirmation to the whole team.
– We have a limited number of people that can be in the lobby during the tournament (200 people at once, max).
We can’t have spectators! The only once that are allowed are only: fighters, coaches, doctors, service, manager.
Please indicate the exact number of members of your team and its position in the team.
We need it to check the people inside the hall and work out the schedule for the whole competition.


Current information about the Fullcontact Karate Prague Open 2021

OSU!      Dear sports friends and colleagues!We are pleased to inform you that we have received permission from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic to host our tournament! By this we officially confirm that our tournament will take place on 27th of February 2021 in TJ Sokol Královké Vinohrady, ul.Polská 2400 / 1a, 120 00, Praha 2, ČR.

We will publish the requirements for athletes and officials in a separate document. Below you will see information about the accommodation options. Hotels have prepared an exceptional offer for us. When placing, please indicate that you are a participant of our tournament.

Below we publish an official document from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Welcome to the Fullcontact Karate Prague Open 2021 – offline kumite toutnament!


Vážení sportovní přátelé a kolegové!

S potěšením vám oznamujeme, že jsme obdrželi konečné povolení od Ministerstva zdravotnictví České republiky hostit náš turnaj! Tímto oficiálně potvrzujeme, že náš turnaj proběhne 27. 2. 2021 v TJ Sokol Královské Vinohrady, ul. Polská 2400 / 1a, 120 00, Praha 2, ČR.

Požadavky na sportovce a funkcionáře zveřejníme v samostatném dokumentu. Níže uvidíte informace o možnostech ubytování. Hotely pro nás připravili bezkonkurenční nabídku. Při umístění prosím uveďte, že jste účastníky našeho turnaje.

Níže zveřejňujeme oficiální dokument Ministerstva zdravotnictví České republiky. Vítejte na Fullcontact Karate Prague Open 2021 – offline turnaj v kumite!


Change in referee teams

Dear colleagues, we infrom you that the new main referee at the Fullcontact Karate Prague Open 27. 2. 2021 is going to be Shihan Jacek Baranowski (Poland, WKO Brach-Chief, 5th Dan). Osu!

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